At 07:47 AM 1/6/2008, you wrote:

Right here -

As I have pointed out, a number of ham activities that are claimed to be
for the purposes of propagation, especially PropNet and the HFLinkNet
appear to be illegal operations if they are being run automatically. It
is stretching the rules rather thin but you could probably transmit
"test" transmissions as the FCC says, "on any frequency authorized to
the control operator for brief periods for experimental purposes."

Should that not read  " appear to be illegal operations if they are being run
unattended "

I think we all know that you *CAN'T* run a unattended station.

John can't leave your APRS turned on, when your leave your car to go into a shop, or parked in your driveway?? You can't leave your digipeater function turned on in your TNC, in case someone uses it for a link, or even leave you Packet Station turned on, in case someone connects to its mailbox, while you are outside, mowing the lawn :-) You can't put up a dedicated digipeater anywhere, even for test purposes....without being in attendance? WHAT rock has the ARRL been sleeping under, not to move with the times and petition the FCC?
OR have I got this all wrong.......


Jack VK4JRC (In a country where auto and unattended is allowed)

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