Tooner wrote:
> MultiPSK gives an error in Vista 64-bit:
> "Windows - No Disk
> Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters
> ...
> Cancel, Try Again, Continue"
> Selecting either will still pull up the program.  Seems to work fine.
> Not a biggie, but in case someone else is using the same O/S, let us
> know if you see anything similar.
> Meanwhile, it's aood program for the 'rarer' modes like PAX or CHIP,
> but still kinda clunky and cluttered.  You can tell the same author
> designed the web-site.
> Any big fans of MULTIPSK that might like offer why they use it?  I'm
> guessing you're using it for the ALE applications?
> Frank, K2NCC

MultiPSK has a lot more in it than just the ALE Frank. It takes time to 
learn what it can do but is well worth the effort. Quite honestly I 
don't mind the interface - been using it for 3 years and you learn to 
live with the quirks.

I like the fact that Patrick F6CTE (the author) spends his time 
inventing, developing and improving digi-modes rather than wasting it on 
making the program look like something Microsoft developed.

It's kinda like homebrewing a qrp radio using dead-bug or "Manhattan" 
construction. Who cares what it looks like it's how well it does the job 
that matters.

73, Sholto  KE7HPV.

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