
I haven't been following this thread, but THANKS!  You've answered several 
questions that "I" had!

Now I have a question:

I have an 11-meter rig in my shack (Sorry guys, but I started in CB LONG before 
I became a Ham and that was in 1981) that has HALF SCALE noise!  I also have 
the same problem with my 10-meter rig!  So basically, they are both useless!

I've turned off all my cordless phones, computers and anything else I can think 
of that would cause this, but it still exists.

I live in a residential area so there are houses all around me.  I'm HOPING 
that the problem is in MY house and not in someone else's house, that way I can 
locate and fix the problem!

Any ideas on WHAT could be generating this noise?


Bill Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             ORIGINAL 
 On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 23:17:22 -0400, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >Need to replace the PC in the shack and would like to find something 
 >that's RFI-free out of the box. 
 ------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
 What kind of RFI? RFI caused by the computer and picked up by your
 receiver or RFI caused by your transmitter and picked up by your
 A couple of general observations: The first kind is caused mostly by the
 monitor, not the computer. Going to an LCD monitor, as you are, will
 cure most of that kind. The second is more difficult, but try to have
 the computer and transmitter physically close together with the two
 chassis bonded together with a short ground wire. Without that bonding
 wire, your interconnecting wiring creates a sort of small loop antenna.
 The bonding wire shorts it out. 
 And best of all, if you can, is keep your antenna as far away from your
 equipment as possible, and use coax feedline instead of open wire. Use a
 balun at the junction of antenna and feedline to prevent current from
 flowing on the outside of the coax. Such current flows as a result of
 unbalance in the antenna system and is a major cause of RF-in-the-shack
 syndrome, which in turn is a major cause of computer RFI.
 73, Bill W6WRT

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