We will be QRV on Grand Cayman Island starting Easter Monday for one week.
We plan to operate digital modes using fldigi and an Elecraft K3/100 to a 
Cushcraft R6 20-6 and a long-wire on on 40m.

More details and QRV schedules for other events linked from


We will be doing casual PSK31 operations, but are especially seeking MFSK16 
photo mode contacts so we can send beach photos, so please read up on how your 
program does it:

fldigi:     http://www.w1hkj.com/FldigiHelp/MFSKpix.html
MultiPSK:   http://f6cte.free.fr/SSTV_IN_MFSK16_EASY_WITH_MULTIPSK.doc
Mixw/other: http://www.projectsandparts.com/lastsunday/mfsk16.html
             http://www.obriensweb.com/narrowsstv.htm (search for "MFSK16 with 

Other operators: ZF2IM, ZF2UU, ZF2BE

73 es CU,

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