----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 2:20:47 PM
Subject: New CubeSat to feature D-STAR

New CubeSat to feature D-STAR 

A new Amateur Radio CubeSat OUFTI-1, built by students at the University of
Liege in Belgium is proposing to using the Amateur Radio D-STAR
digital-communication protocol. 

The objective of the nanosatellite project is to provide hands-on experience to
students in the design, construction, and control of complete satellite systems
that will ultimately serve as the basis for a variety of space experiments. The
first satellite in the series is called OUFTI-1: it is a CubeSat, which is a
cube with a size of 10x10x10 cm and a weight of at most one kilogram.

The key, innovative feature of OUFTI-1 is the use of the D-STAR amateur-radio
digital-communication protocol. This means of radio-communication will be used
for control and telemetry, and will of course be made available to ham-radio
operators worldwide. In the future, it will also be used to control space

OUFTI-1 website 

73 Trevor M5AKA
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