WOTA seemed equally promissing at the outset. If PSK Reporter 
demonstrates that it has legs and users ask me to support it, I will 
do so.


        Dave, AA6YQ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Simon Brown \(Laptop\)" 
> Expect more reporting in the PSK Reporter over the next months, 
this is just 
> Philip's first bash. I myself did very little other than added a 
DLL. Philip 
> is a *very* professional developer, it's good to add someone to the 
> Dave AA6YQ: It really is just a few hours work for a developer to 
> support for the PSK Reporter, also it's not restricted to PSK.
> Simon HB9DRV / GD4ELI
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Andrew O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > DX View's default map can be filtered to show stations heard from
> > specific continents whereas PSK Reporter cannot.
> >

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