At 08:47 PM 5/7/2008, expeditionradio wrote:
In FCC's official consideration statements, FCC
specifically supports no finite limit of bandwidth for
digital data emissions for the amateur radio service.
FCC instead prefers to rely upon existing rules, and to
encourage amateur radio operators to advance the
radio art. FCC said that imposition of such limits
might impede experimentation and technological innovation.

I think this is the most important part of the FCC statements in denying my petition. I am glad to see the FCC comment on enumerating bandwidths. I am disappointed that the FCC did not elaborate on the purpose of Section 97.307(f) which limits specified RTTY or data emissions to a symbol rate not to exceed 300 bauds (in the 80 to 12 meter bands) or 1200 bauds (in the 10 meter band); or for frequency-shift keying (FSK), to a maximum frequency shift of 1 kilohertz between mark and space. Why is that there?

The FCC has spoken and the status quo prevails.


Mark N5RFX

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