There can be no one size fits all ladder line length for a multiband antenna. 
Allot of variables come in to play such as other nearby antenna's, trees, power 
lines, etc that interact with a multi band antenna in an unpredictable manner.

I use a fan doublet with individual elements for 80, 40, 20 and 10 meters and 
it is fed with 122 feet of 300 ohm window line to a balanced Johnson Viking 
Matchbox . It works very well on 80-10 meters 
including the WARC bands. 

I do have a bit of RFI on 40 meters if I run PSK31 at an output power above 50 
watts. I have varied the length of the window line between 100 and 130 feet 
with no change on the RFI situation on 40 meters.

Using the same antenna with an old MFJ-989B tee network antenna tuner I had RFI 
on almost all bands.

73 & God Bless,
Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF
Lakeland, FL, USA

PODXS 070 Club #349
Feld Hell Club #141
30 Meter Digital Group #691
NA QRP CW Club #1723
Straight Key Century Club #3097

KN4LF Amateur & SWL Autobiography: 

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