
What happened with Q15X25 ??  It looks promising, especially on VHF.

Can you fill us in on how it worked or didn't work?

Howard K5HB

----- Original Message ----
From: Charles Brabham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 4, 2008 4:16:46 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Has anyone looked into FPGA-based digitalmodes?

PACTOR, being an ARQ mode is incapable of sharing a 
frequency with more than one other station. That, along with the extreme 
bandwidth and lack of effective signal detection makes PACTOR unsuitable for 
digital HF networks on anything but a very limited scale. - A few afficianados 
can play around with it, but in that case as the network grows, more and more 
participants cop out and use the internet band-aid to cover up for the mode's 
basic lack of suitability for HF networking.
Or they do like WinLink and run roughshod over 
their fellow hams, operating what amounts to a QRM mill that takes up more and 
more spectrum as the "network" grows.
HF Packet, warts and all, is currently the only 
digital mode that a serious HF network can be built upon. The secret to this 
performance edge is AX25, which allows multiple stations to share a single 
frequency. The more reasonable bandwith there is also a positive factor that 
appeals to responsible amateurs who know how to play well with 
They call this "spectral efficiency" and if your 
mode of choice does not have it, best to keep it for keyboard use and leave the 
networking to the networkers.
It is fashionable to diss Packet radio and AX25 - 
but none of the detractors have been able to demonstrate anything that does HF 
Packet's job any better... In fact, nobody has come up with anything yet that 
even works as well. Performance talks, and "fashionable PC attitudes" walk when 
actual networkers look at the available digital modes.
That's the way it is... Maybe someday there will be 
an actual improvement over AX25 and Packet for HF networking. When this 
I'll be one of the first to put the new system on the air and into actual use. 
BUT I have witnessed and been part of several efforts to improve upon AX25 and 
Packet over the last couple of decades, and what has been found in every case 
far is that it is awfully easy to sit around and diss AX25 Packet for HF 
networking, but not so easy to come up with something that actually works as 
well, much less any better.
If there was anything actually better out there, 
the HF digital network would already be using it and AX25 Packet would only be 
found on the VHF/UHF bands.
But there isn't, so...
73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jose A. Amador 
To: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 9:16  PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Has  anyone looked into FPGA-based digitalmodes?

I believe that both the AX.25 and the BBS model are OK, but that the 
packet channel coding is a disaster in the sense that a single erroneous 
bit trashes a frame. That fires up the retries chain that are so 
detrimental to the link capacity, and may sever it as well.

Pactor  does a _LOT_ better, as it is able to use frames with errors that 
would be  useless on packet using different FEC mechanisms. Source 
compression may  help as well, as FBB and WL2K do. If the signalling 
speed can be made to  match the channel and the protocol yield 
capabilities under a certain  level of errors, a huge relative 
improvement can be achieved.

That  is the big adventage of WL2K, the use of Pactor II and its better 
channel  coding. The rest is much alike the old BBS system, reworked.

I believe  that something that achieves similar results to those stated 
above will  certainly be a step ahead.


Jose,  CO2JA


Bill McLaughlin wrote:

> To echo what Rick  stated,
> FAE400 is an extremely useful ARQ mode that has a lot  of potential;
> robust yet reasonably narrow. Works very well, just a  shame so few use it.
> NBEMS is also a good ARQ suite, but a  lot slower when using HF
> friendly modes. No sure the lock-up time  using MFSK16 has been
> resolved but the new FLDIGI had the mode THOR,  an incremental shift
> keying mode similar to DominoEX. Not sure if that  will be implemented
> into NBEMS, although it certainly has that  potential, especially as it
> retains DominoEx's tolerance to frequency  accuracy. 
> The ax25 packet structure was fine; problem was/is  that ax25 at 300
> Baud on HF, unless near MUF, is a less then optimum  speed choice. It
> actually works fairly well at 110 Baud but it is  slow. 
> I think there are many good protocols out there, but  not many want to
> experiment.
> 73,
>  Bill N9DSJ


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