I ran into a small issue with Windoz version 3.0 of Fldigi. Actually 
there is a bug relating to CAT; John is in the processing of fixing. If 
you use the rig.xml file and you make a configuration error, the serial 
READ request may never timeout and you will hang the COM port (only 
recourse if the reboot the PC).  I've got it working nicely with two 
ports -- COM1 for PTT and COM2 for the CAT using an ICOM-746 PRO. Very 
nice indeed.

If anyone is having problems with CAT, download PORTMON from the MS 
systools site; with this tool, you will be able to figure out the 
problem easily by seeing what Fldigi is sending and receiving from the 

The use of XML for configuring the various radios is extremely clever 
and very flexible.

73, Bernie

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