An FPGA is a good choice as they have advanced to the point where a 1 MHz wide 
signal can be processed in a $10-20 device.

The number of points to use in the FFT is related to the multipath spread of 
the received signal. HF signals with ionospheric propagation tyically have a 
spread between 1 and 10 milliseconds. VHF and UHF signals travelling long 
distances over partially obstructed paths often have a spread between 10 and 
100 microseconds. The guard interval between symbols should be at least as long 
as the multipath spread. This interval is often chosen to be about 20% of the 
symbol period as that limits the loss at the receiver due to ignoring this part 
othe symbol to 1 dB. Subcarrier spacings of 2-8 kHz are often used on VHF and 
UHF with guard intervals of 30-120 microseconds. On HF the spacing is usually 
between 30 and 120 Hz in order to increase the guard interval to 2-8 

The number of subcarriers is then chosen to fit the available bandwdth. The 
percentage of the allocated channel that is used depends on the amount of 
interference allowed in adjacent channels. An OFDM signal is similar to SSB 
voice in that there will be third-order intermodulation products on each side 
of the transmitted signal with a bandwidth equal to that of the desired signal. 
Depending on the quality of the power amplifier, these will be 30 to 60 dB 

The receiver must correct for doppler shift so that the receiver frequency 
offset is 1 % or less of the subcarrier spacing. More complex signal 
constellations require closer tracking.

A good book on QAM and OFDM is ISBN 0470 09468 0, "Quadrature Amplitude 



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: amman kumar 
  Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 03:53 UTC
  Subject: [digitalradio] Queries reg OFDM Transceiver Implementation


  I'm entirely new to the OFDM concepts, Digital radio and we are trying to 
implement OFDM Transceiver using FPGA. I have the following Queries.Plz clarify 

  1) How do you determine no.of points in IFFT Bandwidth. For example, 
for 1 MHz bandwidth , what is the maximum amount of bandwidth should be allowed 
for not having ISI and Cross symbol interference ?

  2) How the receiver will interpret Doppler shift?

  Thanks in Advance.

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