I am active on Digimodes and have worked a lot of state side and DX
stations using Olivia, PSK31, and JT65A modes mostly. I have
transmitted my signal on WSPR mode a total of about four hours several
times the past two weeks on 10.402 MHZ at times when many other
stations are present there. I also go to the WSPRnet.org site and have
seen my station in the database as a station that has uploaded many spots.

Here is the mystery: No one has ever heard nor uploaded an indication
they have spotted my transmission. This is twilight zone territory. I
monitor my transmitted signal using fldigi so I know my transmission
is going out (5-10 watts) and is in the correct range of frequencies.
Can anyone give me any suggestions why no other station has ever heard
me on WSPR?

Thanks for you input in advance.


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