Kent VE4KEH wrote:
> Our ARES group is having difficulty specifying an operating frequency for a 
> PSK31 net.  Is there any website which explains the relationship between the 
> actual signal frequency, the transceiver frequency, the audio (waterfall) 
> frequency, USB and LSB for digital operation?
> In my net announcement to our group (via email), I simply specified a net 
> frequency of 3581 kHz.  However, there seems to be some confusion among us, 
> even among the experienced operators, what that means.  It seemed obvious to 
> me at the time what I meant, but I've been clueless before...

We have the same issue in Indiana with our twice-a-year
State RACES exercise.

Our upcoming exercise will use, quoting from the announcement
"3.580 kHz PSK31, USB, Stream at 800Hz", which isn't "correct",
but is adequate to get participants on the right frequency.

I'll be on the right frequency (3,580.800 kHz), but I'll do
it with 3,579.3 kHz USB and the PSK centered on 1500 Hz.

Do you specify the frequency in the way that describes
it best technically, or the way that will most likely
result in operators being able to make it work?

My suggestion: do both.  It's not all that verbose to state
"3581.0 kHz PSK31 (e.g. 3580.0 USB with 1000 Hz tone)".

Many of the emergency-communications-oriented hams are primarily
voice ops.  They are probably not even aware that convention
for sound-card modes is USB (particularly confusing on 3.5 MHz
and 7 MHz where voice is generally LSB).

The USB suppressed-carrier-frequency with tone specified will
get those less familiar with digital communications on the
right frequency (and acquaint them with the USB convention),
while the digital ops can just look at the 3581.0 and get
on the right frequency with whatever set of parameters they

At least that's my 2 cents worth.


Paul / K9PS

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