Hi John,

Probably quite right about trying a lower band.

Because this is a wide bandwidth mode, I did some testing today to see 
how well (or not) my ICOM 756 Pro 2 passes tones at various audio 
frequencies and I discovered that it does not do very well with the 
lower tones.  I moved a PSK31 tone around and compared the power output 
meter from around 100 Hz to 3000 Hz. The power level drops off quite a 
bit once you get much below 1000 Hz, although it seems to work fairly 
well as high as 2800 Hz. I have the rig set for the widest possible 
passband and using the rear DIN connector.

The drop off could be due to the interface transformers, but I am not sure.

Has anyone else tried determining their effective audio passband with a 
given rig and interface? What kind of result did you get?


Rick, KV9U

John Bradley wrote:
> Rick you and I would be better on 40M later,  VE5MU is still on Q25 
> GPM is on ALE400, both on 14109
> John

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