I am trying out Google Latitude tonight, anyone else ?  Even though it
is not really ham radio, I wonder if anyone has thought of ham radio
uses for this application? The status page could become an interesting
alerting system on a Google Map.  Set your status to your callsign ,
e.g "K3UK QRV 40M"

Also, if anyone is trying it, how close to your QTH are you able to
resolve ?  Tonight I am only getting within a few thousand meters, the
Google Latitude map on my Blackberry says " Your location within 3200
meters.  GPS Temporarily Unavailable"  .   That seems odd since my GPS
software within the Blackberry (VZ Navigator) has me within a few

If you are using it, please feel free to send me an invitation , so I
can track you and play around with possible ham applications,

Andy K3UK

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