Hi John,

Let's reserve judgment just a bit longer.  Maybe the performance of Winmor will 
be good enough so that we won't need to buy the expensive modems.  Maybe it 
will listen before transmitting.

Now if they would modify the Winlink system so that it listened before 
transmitting and there was some competition to bring prices down, maybe more of 
us would be interested in Pactor 3. As it is, it should not be operating in the 
amateur bands.

Howard K5HB

From: John Bradley <jbrad...@sasktel.net>
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com; hfl...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: multi...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 2:47:46 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] on another note

 As many of you know, I have been very active with digital
communications over the past number of years, eagerly testing the latest and
greatest, and was honored when Andy gave me recognition last year in with his
digital awards. I have been and continue to be a strong proponent of digital
communications within the emergency services field, have worked in emergency
services as a planner, communicator, trainer and consultant. This, as well as a
passion for Search and Rescue is a summary of most of my ham radio activities
over the past 20 years.
I have been known to be somewhat outspoken at times, I have
locked horns with Bonnie more than once, I have had interesting off post 
commentaries with Roger the lawyer, and from time to time, been called anti 
anti Canadian, Anti Ham, anti pactor, and anti auntie, even. I have gleefully
participated in some of the lively debates on these posts and have come awfully
close to being punted by moderator Andy. So you are asking yourself by now,
where is this crazy Cannuck going with all this??
Simply put, ladies and gentlemen, I have seen the light (
actually a whole mess of little ones but who is counting)
Over the past couple of weeks I have been testing a SCS PTC2
usb modem with a pactor3 license, and have come away amazed and humbled by what
this thing can do. It is faster than ANYTHING else I have tried, including
RFSM8000, and works further into the weeds than anything else I have tried. I
have connected to a RMS station midday close to 1000 miles away on what I would
call a “dead” band. I have connected to RMS stations at least 500
miles from me on 80M well into mid morning, and resumed these connections by
about 3PM , still when nothing else could be heard on the band. 
I had in the past heard the claims that this modem would
work 10db into the noise. At the time my reactions was “yah,right!!!”
but it really does. If you have a chance, try it out . So my thinking has
undergone an abrupt change of direction, from using soundcard modes with
internet access, to using P3 for primary links and sound card modes for the
last mile or so…… and would like to hear other opinions.
we all know the givens about pactor: the modems are
expensive, the operators insensitive, proprietary hardware and software etc
etc.  but how could this mode be incorporated with current soundcard

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