
Would like to run a few tests with Contestia (16/1K) and MT63 (1K) this 
evening. The goal is to see if sensitivity simulations compare well with on-air 
testing. Contestia should have an advantage since the peak-to-average output is 
much better. Not sure about it's QRM resistance. 

The MT63 mode is somewhat faster in terms of characters-per-minute, but it also 
has quite a bit of latency that adds to the total TX/RX turn around time.

I tested both using a 100 word Pangram and found that MT63-1K (long interleave) 
took 50 seconds to finish the text and 61 seconds to complete. Contestia-16/1K 
took 64 seconds. The 8/1K Constestia mode took 43 seconds.  

Should be interesting to see how these modes compare. Not exactly lighting 
speed and not much call for this other than those who prefer high-speed 
chatting, but I think it's useful information nonetheless. I'll be QRV this 
evening - March 25/26. Skeds welcome.... 

Tony -K2MO

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