David Little wrote:
> Howard,
> I am a member of Army MARS in the state of Georgia.
> Actually, I should say Region 4 MARS, as we are now under the Region
> concept and are merging into a Tri-Service organization.
> So far, AF MARS has completely revamped their call-sign structure to
> adhere to FEMA Region numbers.
>  and all Navy/Marine Corps guys are Zeros.
> Don't ask me why the zeros are leading the pack; they seem to be immune
> to change.
> David
Navy / Marine Corps *callsigns* generally use a zero as the digit... but
that's just the callsign.  Most Navy MARS callsigns don't indicate anything
about the station's location.  The organizational structure, though. shifted
to the same as FEMA several years ago.

I know of several Navy stations here in Region Five that have experimented
with Easypal...


Paul / K9PS / NNN0___

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