DominoEX 5 or 11 baud excellent contest mode. Does the DominoEX accepted?
In results page looks like accepted. DominoEX 5 and 11 bandwidth is 250Hz, speed 44/80 wpm. DominoEX with good immunity to freq.offsets. Poor propagation snr about -6dB And DominoEX produce only double errors that specially good for contests - less errors in log.
DomEX 5/11 supported by Fldigi and Multipsk.

73, Jaak
eshj/qrp wrote:

TARA invites all you digital hams out there in radio land to SKIRMISH on Saturday, April 18, 2009 from 0000Z to 2400Z.

The TARA SKIRMISH is a multi digital mode operation, each mode being a separate entry. This contest is a must for you prefix hunters. There will be many new or rare prefixes heard.

So get busy and dust off those rig interfaces. Adjust your sound cards. Sort out the cables. Fire up the software. Review the Macros and check out the rules at <>

'73 and hope to work you in the Skirmish - Br. Rich, Contest Manager

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Kirjutas ja tervitab
Jaak Hohensee

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