I'm new to this stuff, and keen to get it right as easily as possible.

Looking at installing an ICOM 725 (old reliable) on a 27 foot (Albin Vega) 
sailboat.  The easiest HF antenna prospect seems to be a multi-band Outbacker 
grounded to the pushpit rail, thence by the attached lifelines around the deck, 
and the pulpit.

This seems to me to be a lot of wire 'n stuff to be connected to, but then I'm 
not an electromagnetic wave or an electron - what do I know!

The talk of seawater (i'm in the salt of the west coast)being a dandy 
counterpoise too, leads me to ask:

    Should I also drag a lightly weighted stainless steel line,
    as deep as possible off the stern, and grounded to the antenna?

I'm wondering if that's as good as running copper strips low in the hull.

Thanks for your insights . . . 

Kevin VE7KHI

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