OK, got a question here - and hopefully someone can point me in the 
right direction. 

I am using the AGW Packet Engine and Winpack for me packet radio 
operation - that is all working great.  Now, I would like to add airmail 
into the mix - I have been told time and time again that you cannot use 
airmail with AGW, that you have to have an actual TNC - BUT I found the 
info on how to do that online about 2 years ago, and it worked great, 
unfortunately stupid me, I didn't save them or they got deleted, anyway 
they are gone, and I really would like to get that working here on my 
laptop.  So if any of you have any idea how to do it, would you please 
let me know, or point to me where I can figure it out?  I don't have 
much time online to search for stuff like that right now or I would sit 
down and start searching again.

Thanks for any help, and if you need any more info, please let me know.

Scott, W7SOT

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