I have to concur with Rein. The impression we have been given in the 
past is that Skipnet was a short term ARRL experiment under an FCC STA 
(Special Temporary Authorization). Do a search on ARRL's web site to see 
the number of  references on anything current. My most recent search 
came up empty.

If there really is a network that can be accessed by individual hams, 
then one would expect the proponents to frequently mention the 
frequencies on the various bands, the method of access, any procedures 
to send messages, etc. Curious that this never happens.

What is important about PSKmail is the many features that are simply not 
available on any other system:

- it does not rely on 300 baud FSK packet and can use any modulation, 
including potentially future adaptable modes
- works with sound card technology and only a simple interface required
- moving toward cross platform with the addition of the javaPSKmail 
software with fldigi
- can set up ad hoc servers on short notice by anyone, not just those 
who operate a centralized system
- can operate on VHF as well as HF

And here is something that I just found out from Rein:

PSKmail can be set up as a closed system without any access to the 
internet, if you don't want it to have such access. It can act as a 
server for a local  or regional group, etc.

If possible, this discussion may be quite valuable on the group.


Rick, KV9U

Rein Couperus wrote:
> I would gladly discuss with you how we can make the systems work together,
> with the ultimate goal to increase efficiency and service coverage of both...
> As I cannot find any usable information about SkipNet (other than the generic 
> definition of several 
> flavours of overlay networks with skipnet routing) I would be interested to 
> know 
> what you are actually doing in that area....
> Pskmail is presently an internet or LAN access system for HF, i.e. it uses 
> existing internet infrastructure as a transport medium wherever possible, and 
> it provides 
> efficient 'last 3000 Miles' HF connectivity to various internet services like 
> email, web access, 
> twitter etc.+ fully compatible HF APRS messaging and posit beaconing.
> Pskmail servers are stateless, i.e they do not retain content, but provide 
> agents 
> to interface with internet services. As such I don't think you can compare it 
> to SkipNet functionality 
> (but I may be wrong here...)
> There are plans to add DTN functionalty to pskmail in future in order to 
> bypass the internet 
> transport in emergency situations, and I am fully open to any form of 
> suggestions...
> I propose we take this off list...
> 73,
> Rein PA0R
> rein at couperus dot com

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