Dave 'Doc' Corio wrote:
>     As a side note, I loaded XUBUNTU on it, and it worked. It took
> five minutes to open an application, but it worked! It even recognized
> the Ethernet adapter! It just wasn't worth investing any money in at
> this stage.

Xbuntu is pretty good at that.. But you are right, I went down the
"salvage an old laptop" path and ended up with an eee 900A from bestbuy
for $149 with a gig of ram, flash drive, the whole ball of wax. Loaded
eeebuntu, and I love it.

I'd have spent $100+ on old ram just to get to 512. While I can add a
2nd gig to the eee for $29 or so.

If you want XP, microcenter has hp mini's refurbs with 1.6g intel atom,
a gig of ram, etc for $229. Full sized keyboard, which is my only nit
with the eee's.

Or you can get the eee with XP for not much more.

Have fun,


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