How old are these units that have been modified to work properly?

Tim, N9PUZ

Phil Barnett wrote:
> On 06/17/2009 05:17 PM, Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] wrote:
>> Rick W skrev:
>>> You could use an external device as others have suggested. I don't 
>>> generally recommend the SignaLink USB due to the low frequency noise 
>>> problem, however many hams either ignore it or are not aware of it. 
>>> Further, after some considerable denial on the part of Tigertronics, 
>>> they may have corrected this in later versions, but I can not yet 
>>> confirm that.
>>> On the other hand, I do recommend the SignaLink USB for the simplest 
>>> possible portable unit such as might be used for public 
>>> service/emergency communications and you don't want to be concerned 
>>> about COM ports or USB to COM adapters. Just plug in the USB to the 
>>> computer and plug in a rig specific cable and you can operate.
>> If you really like the simplicity of the SignaLink USB ( I do), you 
>> can fix it's various problems, see Here:
> I did these mods on my SignalLink USB.
> It made a huge difference, just like the article said it would.
> Since I stole the transformers out of old 8 bit modems and I had a 
> little toroid to wind up the inductor the total cost was about $2.50. I 
> repainted the outside shell at the same time and the Hammertone dark 
> grey paint cost more than the parts. I hated the putty color.

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