Hello Doug,


   It sounds like you have quite a bit of RF in the shack. I have D-Star
here with no problems on an Icom 91AD.  Do you do a lot of transmitting into
non-resonant antennae?  Do your radios still lock up when transmitting into
an antenna that is closer to being resonant?


     Try disconnecting the lines (power and antenna) one at a time to the
radios to see where the RF is coming in.  Once you figure that out, try a
few turns of power wire or antenna coax around some toroids placed close to
the radio chassis/enclosure.  All the big box ham stores (AES/HRO etc) have
these and you should be able to block your RF on the line with one or more -
usually Type 43 material in the toroid if I remember correctly.  And they
are usually pretty cheap - I would start of with maybe a dozen and see what
happens because you could be faced with it getting in on both lines.


Rick - KH2DF 



From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:digitalra...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of doug_tara2005
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:15 PM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [digitalradio] Need help with PSK-31 and my antenna tuner




I'm having a little problem with my antenna tuner when transmitting PSK-31
above 30 watts. I have a IC-706MKIIG with a MFJ-945E. Both are on their own
powersupply and well grounded. When I transmit PSK-31, it locks up my
IC-2820H (D-STAR) radio (unable to transmit DV, analog or control the
radio). My IC-2820H is on a different powersupply and also grounded. The
radios and tuner are about 3-4 feet apart from each other. Additionally, I
use to have a KPC-9612 and it also locked up from time to time and had to do
a hard reset. I didn't think anything was at fault and have sold my
KPC-9612, but the PSK-31/auto tuner could have also been locking it up. Does
anyone else have this problem? Can anyone give me good advise about my

--73 de Doug (N1OBU)

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