>>>>> On Sat, 01 Aug 2009 14:52:10 +0200, Rein Couperus <r...@couperus.com> 
>>>>> said:

> PSKmail uses normal zip compression and B64 encoding.
> On small files with english text the compression reached by using varicode 
> alone is better.
> That is why I abandoned compression for email text. Also, when you want 
> to use simple compression schemes your result has to be 1-bit clean, 
> which requires ARQ in all cases.

I expect lzma to do better than zip.  As you say, for some modes it will
be more efficient to send plain text rather than compress and base64
encode it.  Flwrap will have no way of knowing how the data will be
transmitted, but it will have options to disable the compression or use
it only for binaries.


Stelios, M0GLD.

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