Thanks for the info, I doubt if anyone would be able to hear me here in western 
montana on 10 mhz but its something to try..I'll give it a shot and see...73, 

--- In, "obrienaj" <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> Great news  Alan.
> Since PSKMAIL also is an APRS conduit , and uses the Internet to pass some 
> items to APRS servers,  it would be useful for you to see if you can connect 
> to the internet.    So, first thing would be to try and configure you PC to 
> detect wither your ethernet port or your wireless port.  I am not at that 
> screen at the moment and cannot remember the steps, but try clicking on the 
> CONNECT ICON on your puppy desktop and go from there.  Let me know if you 
> need more help.
> Start FLdigi
> Then to actually start the server, click on CONSOLE and then type
> 'pskmail_sever'   (include the apostrophes ) then hit enter
> Answer the questions about your  callsign, lontitude/latitude and your STMP 
> address that you use (if you use outlook express look in 
> accounts/properties/servers  for the SMTP address 
> After you enter those brief questions, the server will start in PSK250 mode.  
> If you want to change the mode, change it via fldigi.  If you want to 
> actually change modes on a schedule there are a couple of others steps. We'll 
> do that later.   
> I am going out for an hour , be back about 2000 UTC. We can test more then, 
> if you need a test.
> Andy K3UK
> --- In, "ke4nu_7" <ke4nu7@> wrote:
> >
> > I downloaded and burned it to cd. I've brought up puppy o/s on my laptop. I 
> > see Fldigi and it works but what do I do to make a server out of this. 
> > Pardon my ignorance, but I don't know what to do next? thanks for any 
> > help..Alan
> >

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