I am no expert on 10m band plans, but the frequencies you mentioned sound good 
to me.

Unless somebody more knowlegable jumps in to say otherwise, I think you ought 
to go ahead on the freqs you mentioned.

73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL

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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: obrienaj 
  To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 4:42 PM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Parking on 10M as UNattended with digital modes ?

    IF I decided to park on 10 meters and run unattended digital operations 
would I be correct it thinking anywhere 28120 t0 28189 is OK for a USA station?

  I thought 10M would be a good place to test PSK500 and PSKMAIL when 10M is 

  Andy K3UK

  �97.221 Automatically controlled digital station.
  >(a) This rule section does not apply to an auxiliary station, a beacon
  >station, a repeater station, an earth station, a space station, or a space
  >telecommand station.
  >(b) A station may be automatically controlled while transmitting a RTTY or
  >data emission on the 6 m or shorter wavelength bands, and on the
  >28.120-28.189 MHz, 24.925-24.930 MHz, 21.090-21.100 MHz, 18.105- 18.110 MHz,
  >14.0950-14.0995 MHz, 14.1005-14.112 MHz, 10.140-10.150 MHz, 7.100-7.105 MHz,
  >or 3.585-3.600 MHz segments.


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