> I would also like the ALE and digital community to 
> recognise that they share the bands with everyone else  
> Dave (G0DJA) 

Hi Dave,

While I can't speak for the whole "digital community", 
I can probably speak with some authority for 
the "ALE community"... 

ALE operators have been sharing the ham bands 
for many many years without harmful interference. 
This is primarily due to the way that ALE has been 
adapted to amateur radio by hams, a protocol adaption 
known as "ham-friendly ALE". 

99% of ALE operation is in organised emcomm networks 
and 99% of the organised networks are operating in the 
internationally recogised HF automatic sub-bands, 
where automatic modes have been in use for many years. 

73 Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

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