Bonnie said

"the same goes for "DX pileups". Basically, a pileup
is simply a contest where the number of possible contacts
is 1 and the number of possible multipliers is 1.

Everyone who enters the pileup contest is trying to
out-QRM the other entrants, or in FCC parlance...
"to harmfully interfere with", the other contestants
in the pileup contest. They are trying to keep the other
stations from working the target station, in favor of
themselves. Louder, stronger, QRMer."

Surely Bonnie is correct in this?  Not ALL DXers , but the vast majority are 
doing what Bonnie describes when responding to a QRZ.  If I hear " P5DX QRZ?", 
then I hear "November Seven Delta..." starting a call and throw in "Kilo Three 
Uniform Kilo" on top of the 7  station (Danny) , Bonnie is correct that I have 
QRM'd him.  I guess the difference is that this is accepted and actually 

I still remember my utter shock when a new ham reading the ARRL handbook about 
DXing, and how a DX station would listen on incrementally different QRG and NOT 
tell you exactly where.  The book explained that the "art" of DXing was to 
determine the DX station's methods and skillfully figure out where he would be  
listening.  In Bonnie's context, this would be encouraging lots of QRM .

Skip's earlier point would be that this still differs from "unattendned" 
transmissions  but I think Bonnie's point is that the result is not that much 
difference.  Cue Bonnie with comments about goose and gander...

Andy K3UK

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