Phil Williams wrote:

I agree. There are definite advantages of using DominoEX11 over of RTTY. I am not quite sure how you get past the culture of RTTY, but I like your suggestion of using DominoEX11 as the secondary mode. _Maybe, one could work a station twice - once in RTTY and then again, in DominoEX11_
_and earn additional points.  What do you think?_

philw de ka1gmn
Yes Phil, I´m not against the rtty. I have some nice rtty qso with rare dx-stations. I thank the fortune... To include the DominoEX in rtty contests it needs some prework from main contest program providers. And the change of rules in manner so the qrp and low power category are in table.

73 de Jaak
es1hj/qrp (es1w, es8w, es0w)

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Jaak Hohensee < <>> wrote:


    >From QRP-viewpoint mostly used contest and DXpedition mode RTTY not
    DominoEX 11 seems more suited for QRP and QRO common contesting
    and for
    If the RTTY is reference, the DominoEX 11 speed is in big same,
    but snr
    is -7dB better.
    RTTY45 BW is 270 Hz, DominoEX 11 262 Hz

    Difficult to change the culture of use RTTY. But to bring the
    DEX11 as
    second mode for contests and DXpeditions is small step for more
    democratric use of our common resource - ham radiofrequencies.
    73 de es1hj/qrp

Kirjutas ja tervitab
Jaak Hohensee

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