It is that time again, as we approach our 10th  January in existence
it is time to seek you nominations for the Annual Digitalradio Awards.
 The 2008 winners are listed below.

Send your suggestions to me by December 30th 2009.

, I make the final determination...

Andy  K3UK


(2008)  Digitalradio Awards :

Best "new" Digital Mode : WSPR by Joe Taylor , K1JT . .  Very useful
and robust   super  low power digital mode .

Best New Software:      FL-Digi with NBEMS , great work from Dave and
Skip.  The "new" aspect refers to the Windows version.  Should be
standard for any RACES/ARES op.  Windows version was on our wish list
for 2008, nice to see it arrive early in the year.

Best Logging Software:  DX Keeper by Dave AA6YQ, , again !  Many
emails received from people again nominating this software.  May have
some competition from the new logger in Ham Radio Deluxe in 2009

Biggest Surprise Of The Year:
1 .  ALE.    Yep, I thought it might suffer death in 2008 but users
actually increased and some interesting innovations from the folks at
HFN.  ALE in Multipsk helped a lot.

2.  A updated version of MixW, Nick lives!

3.  Much needed new touches to MMTTY, thanks to Dave AA6YQ.    MMTTY
has come a long way from the days when I wrote the first English help
file!  MMTTY, Winwarbler and FSK RTTY make great "music" together.

Digital Innovations Award 2008 :  Patrick Lindecker  F6CTE and
Multipsk, many innovations in 2008  and plenty of unique capabilities.
 The "serious app" for the digital mode enthusiast.

Biggest Disappointments Of The Year :
 1. PSK31 Contests:  Over driven signals makes such events
intolerable.  Maybe we have this group to blame since we promoted and
organized most of the first PSK contests back when PSK31 was new.
 2. The demise of Olivia as a routinely heard digital mode..
 3. WSPR QSO Mode.  Not much activity.

The Picaso Award:  Simon Brown HB9DRV .  The addition of SSTV
applications to DM780 and Satellite Tracker to Ham Radio Deluxe are
works of art.

Best Digital Mode Website :  KE7HPV's  Digital spotting page, now
moved to .  Well organized , great auto
spots system, .

Digital Mode Aid - Innovation of the Year :  Philip Gladstone's PSK
Reporter .  Integrated with DM780, this tool is one of the most useful
for those days when you wonder if you are getting out!    Find it at  or within DM780.

Experimenter Of The Year :
Tony K2MO  :  Still playing with digital voice and finding time to
test path simulations for all common digital modes.

Lost in 2008     Cesco HB9TLK , where is this key digital mode developer?

Oddest Mode in 2008:  MFTTY .  Phone freaking back in vogue?

Needs Inventing in 2009 :

1.  Windows Version of PSKmail
2.  New codec for FDMDV
3   Easy to use/build software based automatic over driven signal
control . PSK bands are painful to listen to !

Most Anticipated Event in 2009:     Release of WINMOR

These annual awards are based on suggestions from the over 3000
members of Digitalradio , the world's leading digital mode discussion
group ( ) since 2000.  The
final awards are determined by Andy K3UK

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