Thanks Dave, I am using HRD.

--- In, Dave Ackrill <dave.g0...@...> wrote:
> kr5tham wrote:
> > When working dig modes I see stations send their grid locator followed by a 
> > single number represented in degrees followed by a number represented in 
> > kilometers. What is this and how was it calculated? 
> Many digital modes programs will either auto detect an IARU locator 
> (usually in the format IO93if - which is my locator) as it comes in, or 
> the operator manually enters it into another part of the program.  This 
> is then used, together with the stations own locator information, to 
> calculate the distance and bearing from the station being worked.
> Many programs then allow this data to be entered and sent as part of the 
> transmitted message.  Often referred to as a macro you can set up an 
> automatic message with tokens that will call up the details and put them 
> into the message automatically.
> If you want details of the IARU Locator, otherwise known as the 
> Maidenhead locator system, have a look at 
> If you tell us which program you use for digital modes someone will be 
> able to tell you if it will do this for you and, if it is possible, how 
> to set it up.
> Dave (G0DJA)

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