>>>>> On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 11:07:39 -0700, Alan Wilson <ke4...@gmail.com> said:

> I'd have to go with the Yaesu ft-857D, it does it all with a small 
> footprint, reasonable price and very dependable...

I have one of those and I like it for many reasons, but it's not a very
good rig for digital modes.  Some issues that come to mind:

  * DSP is at the audio stage, useless for digital.

  * Narrow IF filters (300 and 500 Hz) are extra.  It can be frustrating
    to operate on HF without one of these.

  * TCXO is extra (but standard with the FT-897D, IIRC).

  * Minimum tuning step is 10Hz.

  * Much CAT functionality is undocumented by Yaesu, though HB9DRV
    and co. must have discovered all of it by now.

  * Reference oscillator is mounted behind the rear vent/heatsink and is
    therefore in the draft of air from the cooling fans.  Fans always
    activate on transmit so you will drift, even for short transmissions
    and with the TCXO installed, which is most annoying on VHF/UHF.
    Can't blame Yaesu much about this though, it's a small rig.

IMHO not worth considering for digital modes unless you _must_ have HF,
2m and 70cm in a compact radio.  But then something like the IC-7000 is
much better for that.  And if you only want HF you have many more


73, Stelios, M0GLD.

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