On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 08:57:44PM +0100, f6...@free.fr wrote:
> Hello all,
> To complete what Votjech wrote, for technical aspects of RS ID there is a 
> paper
> about RS ID under the "PAPERS" on my Web site 
> (http://f6cte.free.fr/PAPERS.ZIP).
> The hashing method introduced by Votjech is really very powerful and i
> integrated it in the last RS ID sources (in Pascal).

Very cool, Patrick. 

I agree that your notion of identifying modulation types by unique
numerical codes transmitted as a prefix is a great breakthrough, and I
thank you for it. 

Now if I can just get the MixW developers to integrate the code into
their system ... .

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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