I just finished my very first ragchew using PSK63F...I am very impressed. I was 
in QSO with Don (W1OER) and we were on 80 meters.
I was running my usual 5 watts and we compared my 5 watt signal using PSK31, 
and then PSK63f.
Don reports that he got most of my print using the PSK31, but I was solid print 
with PSK63F, not a letter missed.
I will continue to use it and it is a fun mode!
Very 73 to all, Glenn (WB2LMV)

From: David <w1...@w1hkj.com>
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, January 6, 2010 4:53:38 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] PSK63F

PSK63F is available on the soon to be released versopm 3.13 of fldigi. You can 
download the beta test version for various OS here:

http://www.w1hkj. com/alpha/ fldigi-flarq/

This version also supports new modes, PSK-125R, PSK-250R and PSK-500R; the R 
indicating Robust. These modes are similar to PSK63F, but also include an 
interleaver. You can learn more about these modes here:

http://www.w1hkj. com/Fldigi- Help-3.13

Source code for fldigi is always available for alpha and release versions.

73, Dave, W1HKJ
fldigi development team


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