Ok - I see the point now.
guess I'm just getting slow.

I do have 3 of the PK-232MBX's and use them much.
One of them I got back in 1988 or so new for about
300 bucks. Used for the most part for AMTOR and
some what for HF and VFH packet.

Would be just the thing to run on my old 8088 system.
May have to take a look at it.

John, W0JAB

At 02:07 PM 1/9/2010, you wrote:
>I am not a regular user of CSS software but it looks like the CD contains 
>"Radio Operations Center" which is a native Windows app and actually quite a 
>decent program that allows you full control of an MMC with Pactor/Amtor/Packet 
>and plugins for PSK31, SSTV, MT63 etc. 
>ROC is $99 on its own for either a Timewave/AEA MMC or Kantronics MMC so if 
>you have both MMCs it would be good value. 
>I guess you pay another $40 for the older software. I recently tested Packratt 
>for dos on this XP machine and it worked perfectly in a dos window. Maybe not 
>great software by todays standards but if you pick up a used PK-232 on eBay 
>for a few bucks it will work fine.
>MixW can also work with MMC/TNC & sound card modes but requires detailed 
>configuration to make it work fully. ROC is definitely easier to get up and 
>running than adding Pactor, Amtor, G-TOR modes to MixW by hand.

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