My "experiments"  (many receptions and 2 transmissions)  today with
ROS 1 and ROS 16 shows that it is quite an effective mode.
Congratulations Jose.   Of particular interest to me  were the several
occasions where I decoded a signal that was not visible in the
waterfall or audible to my ears.  It will interesting to see if Tony
K2MO gets a chance to put this through the Pathsim tests and compare
it to Olivia.  My "guess" is that it will be close to that of Olivia
1000/32 , perhaps within 2-3 dB.

I should also point out that I think the software is well designed and
layed out.  Over the years we have had many modes come and go.  I
suspect that in 2-3 years time, ROS will still be used.

Andy K3UK

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