I often "look" at the CW signal on the waterfall when I hear one close to
me.  My view is...if his signal is not exactly on the same part of the
waterfall as mine, we are "OK".  I can notch him out and he can do the same
to me.  A couple of hundred  Hz separation should be all we need.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:14 AM, Toby Burnett <ruff...@hebrides.net> wrote:

>   Now Dave,
> C'mon  I have the narrow cw filter on my 706mk II
> The on / off button is a challenge.   Lol    just messing with you now.  No
> offence.
> On a serious note though, even with my limited cw surely it is possible to
> answer a QRL back in cw, providing you at least have 2 wires and a paper
> clip to slap together if no key hi hi. (I do have some keys now, but I used
> a paper clip on the desk for my 1st cw qso )
>  Also isn't there something about sending your ID in SSB /CW anyway.
> I also read this and thought, hey most digi mode software will send an cw
> id and or you could use computer generated cw to check if the frequency is
> in use.
> I am so desperate to get my cw receiving up to scratch so I can use it
> freely, I wish we had still had to take the test back in 2004 to be honest.
> Maybe we could sked a qrs contact some afternoon / evening.
> Toby MM0TOB
>  *-------Original Message-------*
>  *From:* Dave Ackrill <dave.g0...@tiscali.co.uk>
> *Date:* 22/02/2010 11:00:08
> *To:* digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [digitalradio] Re: Considerate Operation: CW and JT65A
> Steve wrote:
> > The same is not true for CW ops if they have narrow filters.
> On all the rigs I've owned the filters are selectable. Are there any
> radios that have only very narrow CW filters, or are the 'on/off'
> buttons difficult to operate? ;-)
> Taking tongue out of cheek, as I do enjoy CW as well, saying that people
> with digital modes can, and should, listen 1st and look at the
> frequencies around them, the same should be true for CW operators. In my
> opinion.
> Dave (G0DJA)

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