Amateur radio technology must not advance and we must continue to use only old 
modes. Make sure we keep ham radio stagnant and only hope commercial businesses 
move forward and kill our hobby
Bob, AA8X
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dave Ackrill 
  Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] ROS update

  KH6TY wrote:
  > Unfortunately, it appears that ROS is actually FHSS, as originally 
  > described on the ROS website, and therefore is not legal for US hams 
  > below 222MHz. :-(

  I think that I now no longer care about whether ROS is, or is not, legal 
  in the USA.

  I see that I am now subject to moderation on here, so my freedom of 
  speech on the subject seems to be curtailed.

  Strange that, don't you think for those of you that are from the land of 
  free speech, that the moderators, who seem to live in the USA, now want 
  to vet my posts to this group?

  My previous posts were to give details of the band plans in the UK by 
  reference to the RSGB website. I'm not sure why, but they never were 
  allowed to be posted.

  I wonder if this will be allowed?

  Dave (G0DJA)


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