Thanks for the reply Skip. 

As you probably know the scenario is different over here with the regulations 
permitting bandwidth up to the size of the band, no emission type restriction, 
no mandatory band plans and complete freedom to develop your own modes with IDs 
given in whichever mode you are using. It is baffling at times trying to 
understand the situation in the States.

I guess it has a lot to do with history and access to "phone bands" being 
determined by license class and of course various groups keen to protect their 

New modes can appear and then disappear far too quickly for any formal 
regulation process to keep up with, Amateurs have to work out for themselves 
means of voluntarily sharing the spectrum. It does work outside the States. 

I'm sure within a few years someone will develop an efficient digital Voice 
mode (with license free Codec) that will exceed the performance of SSB on most 
paths, then we'll all be digital users and the strict divide between digital 
and phone will disappear. 

73 Trevor M5AKA


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