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From: <k4...@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:08 AM
Subject: [wl2kemcomm] FW: Digital communications for IARU Region 2 Band plan
To: wl2kemc...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: winlink_programs_gr...@yahoogroups.com


If you have seen the IARU's view of what a band plan should look like, take
a look at the attached. My response is no literary masterpiece, but I
thought it important to state a case. Anyone else wishing to do likewise,
please have at it.

Steve, k4cjx, aaa9ac

-----Original Message-----
From: k4...@comcast.net <k4cjx%40comcast.net>

Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 6:27 AM
To: 'bandplan2...@arrl.org <%27bandplan2010%40arrl.org>'
Cc: 'Mickey Cox'; 'k...@arrl.org <%27k5uz%40arrl.org>'
Subject: Digital communications for IARU Region 2 Band plan

To all it may concern:

These comments are being sought by the ARRL regarding considerations for the
proposed IARU Region 2 band plan. I wish to speak toward the lack of
opportunity available toward any future expansion of digital communications
under such a proposed plan.

With the exception of Amateur Radio, the growth of digital communications
has saturated all facets of radio communications. The obvious reason for
this digital saturation is the effectiveness, and efficiency of such a modes
of operation over their older analog counterparts. Fact is, in other
services, especially those which are responsible for our safety and
well-being, digital operations are now being mandatorily imposed by the FCC.
Because OBVIOUSLY, those who lead the charge toward the future direction of
Amateur radio have no interest in enhancing the ability to communicate by
modern standards, we are left with a tremendous scarcity of talent in the
digital arena, especially in our ability to transfer data traffic. The very
small digital segments proposed become a matter of popularity, and most
certainly, nothing to do with developmental considerations toward the
enhancement incentives to produce more effective methods of communications.

As we fall further behind in our antiquated methodologies, our own
effectiveness and efficiency suffers relative to our commercial
counterparts, leaving us vulnerable to intrusion from other services. Is
this currently not the situation we face continually?

To snuff the opportunity for experimental and operational enhancements by
severely limiting the frequency spectrum is one certain method to insure the
retardation of any future for digital enhancements in our communications
toolbox. During the days of dominance with Amplitude Modulation (AM), no
progress toward Single Sideband (SSB) would have been made without available
spectrum for development and operation. Today, developers and manufacturers
of Amateur radio equipment have little to no incentive to develop and use
digital methodology and protocols because they have no band space to use
what is developed and produced. Thus, very little progress is being made.

The very few KHz devoted to "narrow" and "wide" band digital operations,
attended or unattended, are absurdly small for any future development. In
addition, on 80 meters, such operations falls within the new SSB sub-band,
where such operations were just recently moved by the FCC. On 40 meters, the
operation is not in our digital "alley" and on the higher HF spectrum, such
operations are so limited that it is not practical for anyone to continue
operations or development. Modern digital methods such as those used by our
own government's MIL SPEC STANAG protocols are not legal due to the absurdly
slow 300 baud symbol rate. Thus, all past development has been severely
limited, while those who control the expansion and collapse of our spectrum
by mode operations could care less, even if they were aware of these issues.
After all, future expansion is not within their radar. If it were, these
impossibly small digital segments would be optimal for enhancing the Amateur
service opportunity to develop more efficient and effective means of

It is with these considerations in mind that I highly recommend the
expansion of digital band segmentation throughout the HF spectrum. THINK
about any other operation being squeezed into such a minute band space. How
about putting the SSB DX segment within these small segments and see what
comments you receive? But wait, those segments are important to the "grass
roots" efforts. After all, future development toward digital communications
is only a concept to most, not a reality. However, without it, we will
continue to remain antiquated and vulnerable in the eyes of those who
determine our future.

Steve Waterman, K4CJX
Winlink Network Administrator
Winlink Development Team
Assistant Director, ARRL Delta Division
Army MARS National Automation Coordinator/Agency Liaison COML

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