$10 is probably about the average cost of a build in sound cards in the average 
computer and they work just fine. I've run into more issues with the higher end 
build in cards and having to disable all the crazy DSP options. I had one 
install that upon receiving MT63 it would only get about the first 30 
characters and you'd see the waterfall signature rapidly dim. 

It wound up that there was a noise reduction setting I had to uncheck by 
accessing the sound card icon in control panel. The card thought MT63 was 
unwanted noise and just decided to automatically lower the level until it heard 
no more!

-Dave, KB3FXI

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "John Becker, WØJAB" <w0...@...> wrote:
> Jeremy
> Maybe the fact that it was 10 bucks may have something to
> do with it.
> At 02:24 PM 6/5/2010, you wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >When purchasing a new radio this last week I decided to also set my 
> >computer up how it should have been long ago. I purchased a sound card 
> >to dedicate it to digital modes. The sound card purchased was:
> >
> >http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0239854
> >
> >It was $9.99... I wasn't asking for the world, but I didn't think I 
> >would get this. I am curious as to what you think? Here's the synario. I 
> >connect the line out to my rig blaster and when I transmit I get this:
> >
> >http://jeremy.cowgar.com/files/bad_sound_card.wav
> >
> >This was recorded from my mom's station that is 8 miles away. Obvious 
> >problem. I then simply moved the line out cable from my new sound card 
> >to my old sound card that is built into my mother board. No other 
> >changes. I do not have a recording of it, but it's beautiful, exactly 
> >how a feldhell signal should sound.
> >
> >Now, the most obvious thing would be is my sound settings wrong, i.e. 
> >way overdriving with the new sound card or something. I set them up the 
> >same. Looking at my ALC meter, I transmit into a dummy load, turn the 
> >line out volume up until I get ALC movement, then turn it back down 
> >until I cannot notice any ALC movement.
> >
> >Do you have any ideas? It's just $10, but I'd really like to have a 
> >dedicated sound card for the ham stuff, and please do not suggest a 
> >Signalink as I already have a nice setup, all wired and working, I just 
> >need to get this squared away. Until then, I'm working off my sound card 
> >built into the motherboard.
> >
> >Thanks for any help,
> >
> >Jeremy
> >
> >
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> >
> >Facebook= http://www.facebook.com/pages/digitalradio/123270301037522
> >
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> >
> >
> >

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