Hoho, world champion in typo. Here is what I was trying to explain:

Then try to type c:>telnet 8000 , then you will see that
this is TELNET and  that explains the funny call sign . When people is
banned to use this software they are using a fake call sign . This fake call
sign is then sent to the cluster when people are in RX mode.

I hope the is better...

LA5VNA Steinar

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     Re: [ROSDIGITALMODEMGROUP] HAMSPOTS the final word
Date:     Thu, 08 Jul 2010 21:26:30 +0200
From:     Steinar Aanesland <saa...@broadpark.no>
Reply-To:     rosdigitalmodemgr...@yahoogroups.com
To:     * ROSDIGITALMODEMGROU <rosdigitalmodemgr...@yahoogroups.com>

Hi Rain

You have absolutely right . ROS are sending data from your PC to the
cluster. Try to type the IP address into your
browser and you get this:

login: GET / HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nb-NO; rv:
Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: nb,no;q=0.8,nn;q=0.6,en-us;q=0.4,en;q=0.2
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 115
Connection: keep-alive

Sorry GET / HTTP/1.1 is an invalid callsign


Then try to type c:>telnet 8000 , then you will see that
this is TELNET and  that explains the funny call sings . Whe people is
bande in this software whey are using a fake call sign . This fake call
sign is the sent to the cluster when people is in RX mode.

I hope this is understandable .

LA5VNA Steinar

On 08.07.2010 20:53, Steinar Aanesland wrote:
> Hi Rein
> After reading your mail about ROS and the HamSpots , I have done some
> testing. I have monitored the activity of the latest  ROS v4.5.7 in RX
> mode. I have been using Process Explorer from Sysinternals (microsoft)
> .With The Process Explorer you have the possibility to see the network
> activity in real time .
> What I fount out was that  the ADIFdata2 module in ROS was trying to
> connect to the address:,,8  or
> on port 8000 and sending data from my computer.
> LA5VNA Steinar
> On 08.07.2010 05:20, Rein A wrote:
>>  Thank you, Laurei:
>> Where Do The Spots Come From?
>> 08-Jul-2010 14:45utc
>> There has been much internet speculation that HamSpots gets the ROS
> spots directly from the ROS Software. This is INCORRECT.
>> ROS spots are retrieved from the DX Cluster ONLY.
>> This site has no relationship with the ROS software or its developer.
>> HamSpots maintains a private dedicated Cluster Node and processes all
> incoming spots to that node to determine the mode being used (ROS, PSK,
> RTTY, SSTV, HELL, etc.) to display correctly on the individual Mode Pages.
>> HamSpots also takes direct feeds from the PSKReporter Network (thanks
> to N1DQ) and the JT65 Reverse Beacon Network (thanks to W6CQZ).
>> 73 Rein, W6SZ

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