Dear Steinar,


[ I noticed the message not to repeat things. }

I agree with all your research, observations, and largely your

Indeed the overall thread through all of this is Jose's character/behavior.

It creates a big problem for me to defend him, really.

Still want to believe he is probably a smart person, never 
wanting to admit failures, not even wanting to communicate or
reach out to people that try to understand him.
Really have no idea how old he is. Older people sometimes get
wiser, not smarter. I have had dealings with software engineers
in my work and am not good in interacting with them. They often
feel superior, it works as a red flag like playing police man.

Best is to leave them in their cubicles! Above informing others
what and how he is doing it. 

I see what he is doing as writing an efficient program, advanced,
might tell his friends,if he has any, how he ads features to his
programming etc etc. 

Unfortunately he does not know the area he is working in ( amateur
radio and its history ) He will not listen to advice, I can go on
and on. A situation hard to work with for me at least.

I have been told indirectly by the same UK engineer that the fact
that Jose has no call, I should not use my call!!!  It is as much 
nonsense as Jose is telling us. Having no license does nobody prevent
knowing about amateur radio IMHO

It might be impossible to get or hold a job as a software engineer
for Jose, who knows. Must be very difficult for him to work in a group, under
a manager, participate in meetings with colleagues, discuss programming and 
the tasks with other programmers.

I observe here that ROS traffic outside the US has come to a virtual 
stop. Perhaps the soccer business? I do not know and will, see
tomorrow.  ( using WEBSDR's )

In a way sorry to have started this phase of the ROS circus. My interest
is US related only. And the interest in that subject is ZERO here.
ROS was written off right after the ARRL announcement and few wanted
to question the reasons behind it. As said NO interest. won't 
dwell on particular reasons for that ( private ones )

Time will tell. Who knows. May be I will write a book about it and 
ask ARRL to publish is as " The ROS Modem story"

I wished you and I could talk over the phone and we could discuss 
are slightly different visions.

I am getting tired of this as there seems to be no support for this
on these reflector, I know there are members here who agree
with more or less what I am trying to do. They mostly hide in the
silently observing group, so be it.

I am not a psycho analyst etc. Most members are really not interested
in ROS or its back ground. I will try other ways.

I always enjoy and read your observations Steinar and respect them, was 
with your accomplishments in the early days of HF WSJT.

73 Rein W6SZ


-----Original Message-----
>From: Steinar Aanesland <>
>Sent: Jul 11, 2010 3:38 PM
>Subject: [ROSDIGITALMODEMGROUP] Re: [digitalradio] Aother US fake call ( 
>station )
>Hi Rein
>I think we have enough to assume that there is something fishy with this
>guy and his software.
>I admit that odd characters like Mr. Ros is fascinating, and it has been
>exiting to investigate his back door software,
>but I will leave it for now until his next release. Then we will see
>what new "Trojans" he has hidden in to it ;)
>la5vna Steinar
>On 11.07.2010 20:23, Rein A wrote:
>> Perhaps some body with the right tracking capabilities can research
>> the path of this message.
>> There has been no propagation over the last couple of hours between SM6
>> and California.
>> It looks to me there are more questions here than just  blaming
>> the ROS software, Though I can be wrong as I often am.
>> 73 Rein W6SZ
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