We had some very serious interference with a Pittsburgh repeater that was a 
result of Cable TV leaks. Comcast made a valiant effort and actually found some 
of the problem spots but it came back. I think it was CSPAN 2 audio, if I 
recall correctly. In any case, we wound up having to switch pairs.  

I heard of one fellow with a similar problem but the cable company refused to 
try to solve the problem. So he reversed the pair (what goes out can also go 
in). Suddonly, I suppose, the cable company was getting picture and audio 
complaints from their customers and SHAZAM... magically, the leaks were quickly 

You can have situations where nearby signals mix and cause interference on the 
input, too. It was amazing to me that the noise problems we had got right past 
the CTCSS.

-Dave, KB3FXI

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Mike Liller <n7...@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know this is a little of topic, but can anyone tell me what this noise is?  
> We 
> are getting this interfeafence on one of our repaeters on the input 
> (144.850) and whatever it is, it opens the PL (123.0) and floods the repeater.
> 73 de Mike
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: "Terry Bolinger, Jr." <wx3m.te...@...>
> To: Mike Liller <n7...@...>
> Sent: Fri, July 16, 2010 6:12:34 PM
> Subject: 
> sample attached

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