--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Siegfried Jackstien" 
<siegfried.jackst...@...> wrote:
> A gun can be a weapon to kill . or just a sport gun .. for precisely making
> a hole in a paper some ten feet away

For making holes in paper we have perforators. For making holes in people we 
have guns. Jose Nieto-Ros has designed a perforator that can kill.

You can plough the land with an M1 Abrahams too... but that is not what it was 
intended for. So in other words: I doubt the "amateur radio" intentions behind 
ROS (seeing it's false FEC letters, it's hard coded banned calls list, it's 
three calling frequencies on 20m, it's inferior [to contestia] wide band mode, 
it's auto spotting on DX clusters).

As mentioned before: Mercedes puts a speed limiter in their cars because they 
feel responsible for their product and it's safety for their costumers. 
Mercedes could have said: "it is the driver that drives too hard". But they 
don't. Therefor I do not doubt Mercedes' good intentions behind the development 
of their products.

Marc, PD4U

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