Ubuntu is Linux, and will NOT run Windows programs normally.  Some will run
using a windows emulator called WINE, which emulates some Windows functions,
but not all.

I didn't know about any of those programs in particular; but a quick check
of the wine website indicates the following:

MMSSTV - Works in Ubuntu using WINE

The others are not listed in the AppDB for WINE or have indicated problems.

One other alternative is to run Ubuntu, then install Windows in a Virtual
Machine using any of the various VM software tools out there.  Then you are
running those apps in real Windows, which is being run and hosted on Ubuntu.

Also, Ubuntu (and Linux in general) has A LOT of great ham radio software.
They may be different than your normal software tools, but many are as good
as (or even superior to) their Windows counterparts.  Fldigi is arguably one
of the best digital software packages out there, and it is designed for
Linux (also works on OS X and Windows).  There are also SSTV, DX Cluster,
Logging, CW, and many other ham-related packages available.


On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 7:06 PM, n0alo <n0...@cox.net> wrote:

> About other programs, well I also like mmtty, mmsstv, easypal, kgstv and
> several others.
> A friend told me that Ubuntu should also run those with no problem, is this
> true?
> Lynn
>  __


"Real radio bounces off of the sky"

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