
I'm new to this list and directfb too, but I've started looking into how
feasible it would be to use directfb on an embedded arm linux platform.
It would be used via Qt5 toolkit (aka DirectFB QPA).

One of the main reasons the directfb looks appealing is that it looks to
have VNC server support (by using the libvncserver). However I don't seem
to find much information about it (the only reason I noticed the vnc system
in the asset was that I started grepping&grokking the source).

Finally approaching my question,
do you know if the directfb vnc system is "alive and well" in general?
Furthermore would one expect any major issues in using it on an embedded
arm linux (prbly some yocto -based). Ideally I could just switch between
the dfb system at application startup.

Thanks for any thoughts, pointers and what-nots,
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