On 09/06/13 16:59, Ilyes GOUTA wrote:
> Hi,
> The attached two patches fix a crash with fdmaster/fddump due to a 
> fusion_skirmish_prevail() attempting to lock a (supposedly) shared mutex 
> which was actually initialized as a local one (so FusionSkirmish::single has 
> been initialized by another process because of a 
> fusion_skirmish_init2(skirmish, name, world, true) call).
> Are these valid changes?


Actually, having the skirmishs being mutexes was for performance and safety.

There are no more global locks or writable shared memory except pixel buffers.

The proper fix should add an interface to the core that allows an application,
or a privileged executable to query the current state, i.e. data is collected
within master and sent to dfbdump or...

Denis Oliver Kropp
DirectFB integrated media GmbH
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